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Living in Fremont, Seattle

exterior of Fremont brewing company with lots of green plants and flowers bursting around the patio and outdoor seating

What Sets Fremont Apart?

Fremont is located in in north-central Seattle, just north of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and about 4 miles from downtown. Ballard is to the west, Wallingford is to the east, and Phinney Ridge is to the north.

Affectionately nicknamed The Center of the Universe, Fremont is known for having a whimsical, arty vibe. It's home to fabulous restaurants, superb local boutiques, quaint cafes, tech companies, tree-lined streets, charming parks, and there's even a troll under the bridge (a famous public sculpture, that is).

The Center of the Universe

In the 1970s, Fremont residents jokingly declared their neighborhood the “Center of the Universe” - partly inspired by the belief that if the universe is infinite, then technically any point could be its center. They put up a signpost at Fremont Ave N and N 35th St pointing to places like the Milky Way and Venus. The motto “De Libertas Quirkas” (Freedom to be Peculiar) perfectly sums up the vibe. This playful claim continues to draw free spirits, artists, and curious visitors to this popular neighborhood.

So Many Great Places to Eat

It's hard to list them all, but here are some stand-out faves:

Local Shops & Boutiques

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